I know how well cold emailing works.
because it’s what I used when I quit a dead-end job and became the boss of my own thriving business.
Yes… I vividly remember the day I finally quit.
I was working as a paralegal, and the next step up from that was going to law school – which deep down I didn't want to do.
I knew I was made for more than chaining my butt to a rolling desk chair, skin glowing from the fluorescent lights overhead.
Fueled by that “so over it” rage one day, I resigned from my full-time, salaried job.
I couldn’t take it anymore and needed to turn my copywriting side-hustle into real money.
The next day, I boarded a Southwest plane for a weekend away to sunny San Diego with my husband and our two friends.
All weekend long, I pushed away the thought:
“How am I gonna make this business thing work?
“How will I get clients?”
Anxiety followed me around, all weekend long.
The Monday I returned from my trip, I faced the ugly truth:
No marketing budget. No network to tap for referrals.
No idea HOW to attract new clients.
…And only one client who paid me less than $200 a month.
With nothing to lose, I started cold emailing.
I’m not going to say that I learned this all overnight. In fact, for 3 straight months, my efforts didn’t go anywhere. No new jobs.
“Am I not good enough?” I started to lament.
Was I going to have to take that job working full-time at the bakery counter for $700 a month? That was not why I had quit my corporate job.
Then one day I checked my email and gasped.
A client offered me $500 for my first job.
That doesn’t sound like much at first, but it was equal to working 40 hours at the bakery counter.
More importantly, I realized there was an art and science to writing cold emails.
soon I had a LOT more offers coming my way…

Fast forward to a few months later, and I had snagged entrepreneurial tour-de-force Selena Soo as my retainer client!
And it all happened because I had COLD EMAILED her.
Because of cold emailing, I’ve made $231k and counting.
I’ve worked with Joanna Wiebe from Copyhackers and Lisa Kueker.
I’ve personally connected with Chris Guillebeau, Ryan Holiday and Noah Kagan.
I’ve been invited to speak onstage at MicroConf and to be a keynote speaker at Shine Bootcamp and more.
now I share my secrets with other entrepreneurs like you.
I’ve now transitioned from being a copywriter, to a mentor who teaches people how to use cold emailing to build their businesses, and make a life-changing amount of money.