Cold emails 101: my 4 favorite techniques

Over the past 7 years, I've sent 1,000s of cold emails and partnership pitches that have let me collaborate with cool folks like Copyhackers, Selena Soo, Rob Walling, and Mailshake.

And I use the same techniques every time. 

Here are two of my favorite:

Technique #1: Wired for Connection

How it works:

Avoid sending lots of the same email to 100s of prospects hoping for 2 yes's.

Send 20 emails that create a connection with your cold email reader in the first paragraph.

If you avoid the spray and pray approach and send human-sounding emails, you'll get more positive replies.

Easy, right?

Technique #2: Solopreneur's Sustainable System

How it works:

>>1 Ask for what you want. 

Be clear and polite. 

Frame your call to action (or what you’re asking) to answer “What’s in it for me?” for your cold email recipient.

>>2 Be consistent.

This separates the winners from the losers. 

Keep sending cold emails. 

Keep sending follow ups. 

A mountain isn’t climbed by one huge leap, rather by lots of small steps headed in one direction. 

>>3 Dare to experiment. 

Dabble wildly. 

Try out little experiments in every piece of your marketing and client work.

4) Nail down what works consistently -- and gets you closer to your goals -- and focus heavily on those actions. 

For me, that's sending cold emails and partnership pitches. 

They're the biggest ROI with the smallest time investment.

Technique #3: The Relevancy Method

How it works:

>>1 Figure out who you're cold emailing. 

Put a face to the name

>>2 Do some light Internet stalking (aka research) on your reader. 

Who are they? What's their problem that you can potentially help them with?

>>3 Figure out…

What you're pitching + their problem = the win for your reader. 

Write your cold email from this angle.

This simple technique allows you to send a cold email without being sleazy.

Technique #4: The WIIFM

How it works:

>>1 Every human filters requests through the question, "What's in it for me?"

>>2 Figure out how your cold email reader answers this question in terms of what you’re pitching. 

For example, if I want to work with a client on their lead gen, I'd pitch that cold emails are a fantastic way to test different messaging with nearly instant results.

>>3 Write your cold email to answer your reader's question, “What’s in it for me?”

Quick note: 

Don't write an email where 99% of the sentences start with "I." That's a mistake. 

These steps work better.

Do these four things and you'll be wildly successful.

You’re amazing,



Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1) Send successful cold sales emails to get new 1-1 clients

Inside the Cold Email Cash Flow Method is my entire cold sales email system. 

If you’ve tried a few cold emails and want to get better results, this might be for you. Enroll here.

2) Find your lead to cold email 

Discover how to target the right recipient to set your cold email up for success here.

3) Join Growth Multiplier Mentorship and be a case study

I'm putting together a group where I'm going to work with a handful of private clients with their cold & pitch emails.

If you’d like to work 1-1 with me… click here to send me an email and we'll have a quick convo to see if this is right for you.

Featured photo source: Kaitlyn Baker


3 techniques I use to get over fear of clicking send on a cold email


Mirroring: psychology tactic for effective cold emails